Today well-lived...makes every tomorrow a vision of hope.
On Saturday the 24th we celebrated Hannah and Elainea's birthdays. We went to the Classic Fun Center in Layton so Hannah could try out her new scooter and Elainea could ride her new tricycle. We learned a very valuable lesson today. Whatever big sister has little sister wants. We ended up renting a scooter for Elainea and we were all amazed at what a little thrill seeker we have.Joe would push Elainea from behind while on roller skates and he could not go fast enough. The faster he went the more she liked it. She would jump up and down with excitement and let go of the handle bars and clap her hands. She is all about being active and enjoys any type of physical activity.Elainea is learning quickly. She does not like to sit down for longer than five minutes unless the Teletubbies are on the TV. She loves to watch LaLa play with her ball. She clearly shows that she does not care for the mischeviousness of Naughty Noo Noo the vaccuum that sometimes sucks up LaLa's ball.Elainea is also picking up some English words. She says Night-Night when it is time to go to bed, of course she says La La when watching Teletubbies. She said Lettuce at dinner the other night. When she knocks her head or pinches her fingers she will hit the object that hurt her and say "Bad", then she will come to me and say "Boo-Boo".I am so amazed at how well she is adapting to life in our family. I was so worried about bringing in a child at the age of two that had spent two of her most important years of growth in an institution. We have not seen significant behavior or attachment issues. She is very attached to her family and beginning to become attached to her extended family as well. She still has night terrors which means we still do not get very much sleep, but it is all good. She is a very loving child that loves to give hugs and kisses.We have set a date for her baptism. It will be on April 15th after the 11:30 mass at Saint Mary's Catholic Church. We are so excited for the big day. All are welcome to come and see the big event.We are preparing the house for the big Easter party at our house next week. It is tradition to have Easter at our house. The girls have been helping me prepare the house and we are all excited for Elainea to experience her first Easter egg hunt. We will definately have to post again for the each of these events over the next few weeks.We can not imagine our lives without our Little Miss Elainea and look forward to participate in her amazing life journey.