Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where did the summer go...

Great shot of Hannah letting her hair down.

Uncle Ken, Joe, Elainea and Hayden.

Three of the four China girls at the BBQ.

Aunt Marilyn and Hayden

Whoever called em the lazy days of summer did not have three children. I am trying to remember the last day that did not entail 'plans'. Even days that we have not 'planned' anything end up in a whirlwind of activity.

So many things have happened, where do I start? How about a birthday party? My Uncle Ken (my second Dad) just celebrated his 75th birthday. It was so much fun to get together with my family and cousins and just 'be'. These are people that you can just be yourself and it is OK. The kids had a blast running around and chasing the dogs. Yes, even Elainea is starting to warm up to the whole pet idea. Who would have thought that a year ago that today she would be begging for a dog? This coming from the girl that would scream in fear at the site of one. Elainea you have come a long way baby!

Another big event was a get together with the China families. The Yarbouroghs were so generous and opened their home to us. We were able to meet with the Cummings and a special treat was to visit with the Baxter's from Virginia. The night was so much fun. It was so emotional as well. To see all of the girls so happy and so much a part of each family is nothing short of a miracle. I do not know how much Elainea remembers China or the other girls, or if she just seems to recognize the other girls from the reunions and looking at blogs. We pray for each of these families as they prayed for us in China. I feel a special bond with all of them and feel that they are part of our extended family. One family is having a particularly difficult time with health issues and behavior issues with other children. My heart goes out to them and I just wish I could do something, but alas all I can do is pray and I ask the same of all our friends and family. Please pray for the Baxter family so that the miracle we ask for is realized.

Dad is still living in Torrey and having a hard time getting around. We are going to have to see about bringing him up closer to family, especially during the winter. Joe has spent at least one weekend a month driving down to check in on him.

Needless to say with the hectic schedule lately, the front lawn has not been mowed in three weeks. Oh well, we do not even try to make excuses. We have three beautiful children that will not keep. We need to cherish each day with them and make them count. Meanwhile I count the hair that I am losing by the fistful and try not to cry as I see that I am thinning out on the top. Yahoo let's just add one more body part that no longer looks as good as it used to the list. I am so stoked for my fortieth birthday this year. I am baggy, saggy and now on top of it I am going bald. Your hair is supposed to be your fountain of youth. You know the one thing that you can say "Well at least I still have my hair". Nope, I am now joining the ranks of the follicly challenged. Is this it? Am I finally going to go through my mid-life crisis? I dropped Hannah off at her second day of school and I started crying my eyes out. I went to work and each time I saw a picture of our children I began to cry again. It is not a cry of dispair, in fact I do not know how to describe it. It is kind of a cross between remorse and guilt. I think all working Moms will understand what I am feeling. I mean it goes so fast. Each year seems faster than the one before it. Wow I just realized that I have been rambling. So sorry, but I guess my mental faculties are also becoming compromised!

Well I know all of you check this blog for the pictures. So I will start posting them so you can see why I am so pround. Love you all and God bless.

Monday, August 4, 2008

McCoy Family Reunion in Wyoming

Every two years the McCoy family has a family reunion at Allred Flats campground just outside Afton. This year we elected not to camp since Hayden is still so young. We drove up and back on Saturday.

The campground brought back so many memories. I remember running around like a hulagin as a kid. So many fun memories with my cousins.

It was so wonderful to see mt kids start to create the same kind of memories. We will camp for sure in 2010. I am very proud of my sister KayDawn who organized the whole thing (along with her own wedding the week before).

The kids enjoyed the outdoors and climbing trees. I was amazed at how well my little glamor girls took to the great outdoors.

Friday, August 1, 2008

A Day at the Park

I took the kids to the park and made them sit lond enough to take some photos.