Monday, November 5, 2007

Hannah's Next Milestone -- The first lost tooth!

Joy is the feeling of grinning on the inside.

Dr. Melba Colgroue

We are so proud of Hannah. In August she went to the dentist for a dental exam. She allowed them to clean her teeth and take some x-rays. The dentist then told me that she had two bottom teeth coming in and that she would soon lose her two bottom teeth. Well as of November 2nd 2007 she lost her first tooth! It had been loose for several weeks and she was scared that she was going swallow it. We were walking out to the car and she looked at me and said, "Mommy look how loose it is!". I looked over and the tooth was completely sideways and it fell out into the front of her mouth. She was very releived to know that most people do not swallow their teeth, and maybe now she will believe me!

She was equally excited to know that the tooth fairy is real and she does leave compensation for her teeth under her pillow. We are so proud of our big Hannah and look forward to the many more major milestones we get to share with her.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy Hauntings

Our Princess and Angel!

This angel doesn't like her halo.

Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, we have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!
Humbert Wolfe

What a fun holiday! Joe and I took the day off work so we could host and assist with the halloween parties for both of the girls classes. We had so much fun! We saw Hannah off on the bus and then went to Elainea's party. We helped get the kids in their costumes and then helped the teachers with the activities.
After we went straight to Hannah's school to work with her class. The kids were so much fun. It was nice to be able to see Hannah in her class and to see how she interacts with them. We had four activities planned and three parent volunteers to help. They were awesome. The party was so much fun. We were so busy that we did not have time to take pictures.

Joe took the kids trick or treating. Elainea did not understand the concept of doing more than dressing up until her big sister filled her in. Then Elainea started jumping around the house chanting "candy". Then they shuffled out the door and I stayed behing to hand out the candy. The kids were so cute this year.

I think I will look for some costumes for next year tomorrow. Hopefully they will still like them when it is time to wear them.

We hope all is well with you.... God Bless!