Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.
Lucy Larcom
Today we went to court to readopt Elainea in the state of Utah. It was a day full of excitement for the two girls. It was clearly manifested in their behavior as they ran up and down the courtroom hall before we convened. Our lawyer had a look of panic on his face at the thought of taking these two little girls before the judge.
I called Hannah over and told her how important a judge was and how we need to respect his authority. I told her that she was to sit down at the table and color and be quiet as a mouse. I must admit that I was a little nervous on how they were going to behave in front of the judge. We went in the courtroom and I was surprised at how well behaved Hannah was. A magical transformation came over the girls and they were little angels. Imagine that from hooligans to angels in less than five minutes. Who would have thought?
The second district court recorded the adoption proceeding and gave us a copy. The judge asked us some relatively simple questions and then asked Hannah if we should keep Elainea and she very politely replied "yes". I thought we had pulled one over on the judge by sucessfully hiding the hooligan-like behavior sucessfully. He then looked at us and winked as he said, "It looks like you have your hands full." I think I turned 10 shades of red. then a sense of relief as he saw the good and the ugly. He continued to say that he thought we had a beautiful family. Then it was official, she is ours according to both countries! We then went to verify the information for her birth certificate. It has Joe and Pam Rockwell as her parents. Just think the only way people will know that she is a adopted is by seeing us all together!
We are so blessed and I can not even remember life without Elainea. Miracles happen!
Lucy Larcom
Today we went to court to readopt Elainea in the state of Utah. It was a day full of excitement for the two girls. It was clearly manifested in their behavior as they ran up and down the courtroom hall before we convened. Our lawyer had a look of panic on his face at the thought of taking these two little girls before the judge.
I called Hannah over and told her how important a judge was and how we need to respect his authority. I told her that she was to sit down at the table and color and be quiet as a mouse. I must admit that I was a little nervous on how they were going to behave in front of the judge. We went in the courtroom and I was surprised at how well behaved Hannah was. A magical transformation came over the girls and they were little angels. Imagine that from hooligans to angels in less than five minutes. Who would have thought?
The second district court recorded the adoption proceeding and gave us a copy. The judge asked us some relatively simple questions and then asked Hannah if we should keep Elainea and she very politely replied "yes". I thought we had pulled one over on the judge by sucessfully hiding the hooligan-like behavior sucessfully. He then looked at us and winked as he said, "It looks like you have your hands full." I think I turned 10 shades of red. then a sense of relief as he saw the good and the ugly. He continued to say that he thought we had a beautiful family. Then it was official, she is ours according to both countries! We then went to verify the information for her birth certificate. It has Joe and Pam Rockwell as her parents. Just think the only way people will know that she is a adopted is by seeing us all together!
We are so blessed and I can not even remember life without Elainea. Miracles happen!