To get it first is important - but more important is to get it right.
Jessica Savitch
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
Christopher Reeve
Jessica Savitch
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
Christopher Reeve
I had to put two quotes in on firsts. I love the one by Christopher Reeve. When I look back it was only eight years ago that Joe and I thought we would never have children and now we are blessed with three! God is great and it is my sincere hope that I never take Joe or my children for granted.
Lately we have had a whole lot of firsts going on. Hannah went to her FIRST day of First grade. She loves her two teachers. She has one teacher for reading and writing and then a different teacher for math and science that teaches exclusively in Spanish. Hannah loves school and loves her friends.
Hayden let out his FIRST laugh during back to school night while her teacher was talking. We were trying really hard not to make a huge commotion in the back of the room.
Hannah had her FIRST sleepover at a friend's house. We were wondering if this was to soon for a six-year-old, but we let her go. All turned out well and she had fun with her friends.
Hannah lost her FIRST large front tooth. She pulled this tooth out all by herself. She was very excited.
Elainea asked us to go to the bathroom while we were out of the house. This was a HUGE FIRST for her! We hope that it turns into seconds and thirds and fourths!
Hannah contracted croup last week and since she has had it before we did not take her into the doctor. The surprising thing is that a six-year-old still catching it. Apparently there is a large outbreak of it in older kids in our county. We are a little concerned about her because she is still coughing (not barking anymore), but it has moved deep into her lungs. If she does not turn it around in the next couple of days we will take her to the doctor.
Hayden had to go to the clinic this week. The poor little guy. His eczema got infected and he had circular lesions on his arms. We thought he possibly had ring worm but apparently it ended up being something called Erythema Multiforma Minor which according to the doctor is a fancy way of saying he has a virus that he is allergic to. The one thing that we learned during our visit to the doctor is the right treatment for his eczema. The stuff is called Bag Balm and so far it is working. We slather it on him three times a day and we are seeing a huge difference.
Joe had is year-end review at work and received an excellent review. His boss had so many nice things to say. How wonderful it is to have people see the wonderful work that Joe does and then give him the recognition that he deserves. We are excited that he received a step promotion.
I just received my five-year service award from Northrop Grumman. Considering the economy and the military spending cut backs this is a small miracle. We are so fortunate to have two employers that allow us to work four day work weeks so that our kids are only in day care three days a week.
We are all looking forward to fall and the cooler weather. Love you all and God Bless!