I haven't posted in so long because here in Utah we are having an Indian Summer. The weather has been so nice that even though the swinset got put up so late in the year the kids are still playing on it. Halloween was so warm that the kids could go trick-or-treating without coats this year. Thw kids are all going through growth spurts. This is quite amuzing as for the first time food is a resource around the dinner table. The kids work on the division of the valuable commodity before the table is completely set. However the constant whinning over who got more can grind your nerves after a little while.
The girls are meshing like peas and carrots. They love to do things together and play together once Hannah is awake in the morning, and believe me this is not when she gets out of bed. The mornings are crazy as the girls are constantly getting on each other's nerves. There has been several mornings where I have had to seperate them. It is frustrating when you see them playing so well together later the same day. I guess this amounts to us being a normal dysfunctional family.
We look forward to Thanksgiving this week. I think with our two girls eating there will be no left-overs! Gotta get the girls to CCD. Love you all and will post soon.