Friday, January 30, 2009
Time Warp!
I swear we are in some kind of time warp. I can not believe how fast time is going by. I haven't even posted for Christmas and already it is Elainea's Birthday! Please accept my apologies. Now for the family news.
A visit with two sisters.
Joe's sisters Cathy and Theresa visited us recently. The flew in to visit Dad and then spent the night at our home. It was too short! We loved every minute of their visit. The important thing is they were able to spend some time with Dad and then finally got to meet Elainea and Hayden. They sure made an impression on Elainea who talks about them non stop.
Our baby is four! Elainea is becoming more secure and well-adjusted as each day goes by. Just last year I was scratching my head wondering about her reaction to her birthday. She shyed away from any attention and was almost hostile when we sang Happy Birthday. This year is the exact opposite. She is happy and excited for her special day. She was so excited to get phone calls and cards in the mail. She was particularly impressed with the princess balloon. To celebrate we went to Chuck E Cheese and the girls had a blast. Let me tell you that people do not go there for the food it is all about the environment.
We took Elainea to the doctor for her get well visit. She is 69 perecentile in height and 64 percentile in weight. That is fantastic. Here our daughter that was not even on the chart in weight two years ago is above average compared to American kids. We are so proud! I have posted some pictures that testify to how beautiful she is becoming.
Hannah continues to blossom in front of our eyes. She was recently nominated for the friendship club at school to help kids that are shy and having a hard time making friends. She is getting good grades in school despite certain challenges. She is taking swim lessons from her cousin and loving every minute of it.
Hayden continues to grow everyday. He started to crawl on the 17th of January and got his first two teeth on 12th of January. I cannot believe he is ten months old and will have his first birthday in two months.
Mom and Dad:
Joe and I are continuing to adjust to three children. We are at the MCF or maximum confusion factor and are developing new coping mechanisms everyday. We are in continuous marvel at our beautiful children that are so talented, kind, funny, thoughtful, and equally manipulative and cunning! We are amazed at how difficult parenting can be, but yet at the same time just can not get enough! Well it is late so I will post pictures and post again sooner. I promise.
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