To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
Anatole France
OK. This is pathetic. I have not posted since February. Since then both Hannah and Hayden have had a birthday, we celebrated Easter and Hannah went to her first concert. Next week school is out and Hannah will have completed first grade. Where does the time go? I will try to catch you up through each member of the family.
JOE is still working for the State of Utah. He enjoys his job and has been asked to work on a focus group for writing new regulations. He is excited and we love the idea that he gets to come home at night to his family. He does go on some overnight inspections once every six months or so. This is still better than being gone three times a week like he was in water quality.
PAM is still working for Northrop Grumman. It has been a difficult week and a man that she worked with for years ended his own life last week. It has been hard to make sense of what happened and why it happened, but we are grateful that we do not understand. It is enough to know that God gives us grace to move past these events.
HANNAH is excited for summer vacation. We had her tested for dyslexia and have found that she has been diagnosed with ADHD. We are looking into some parenting guides for better ways to focus her energy. The phychologist was very impressed with her and she tested very high on the intelligence tests. She is in a school program next week and we have been working hard on a blue bird costume.
ELAINEA is getting bigger by the day. She is almost the size of Hannah. She has grown over three inches in the last two months. She still has her adorable dimples and makes me happy when she smiles. She looks forward to Thursday of each week so she can go to show and tell at preschool. She is looking forward to going to the Zoo this summer.
HAYDEN is one! It if official. He is small but mighty. He power crawls all over the house. He is quick and hard to keep up with. He is a mischievous little guy who likes to test out how serious you are when you say 'No'. His weight is still an issue. He is in the 1% ranking in weight and in the 70% percentile in height. We are keeping a close eye on him and hope he beefs up enough to move out of his baby carrier and into the big boy car seat soon.
We are constantly in motion with three kids in the house. It is a good thing but life seems to go faster and faster every day. I hope the next post is more timely than this one. Until then enjoy the photos.
Anatole France
OK. This is pathetic. I have not posted since February. Since then both Hannah and Hayden have had a birthday, we celebrated Easter and Hannah went to her first concert. Next week school is out and Hannah will have completed first grade. Where does the time go? I will try to catch you up through each member of the family.
JOE is still working for the State of Utah. He enjoys his job and has been asked to work on a focus group for writing new regulations. He is excited and we love the idea that he gets to come home at night to his family. He does go on some overnight inspections once every six months or so. This is still better than being gone three times a week like he was in water quality.
PAM is still working for Northrop Grumman. It has been a difficult week and a man that she worked with for years ended his own life last week. It has been hard to make sense of what happened and why it happened, but we are grateful that we do not understand. It is enough to know that God gives us grace to move past these events.
HANNAH is excited for summer vacation. We had her tested for dyslexia and have found that she has been diagnosed with ADHD. We are looking into some parenting guides for better ways to focus her energy. The phychologist was very impressed with her and she tested very high on the intelligence tests. She is in a school program next week and we have been working hard on a blue bird costume.
ELAINEA is getting bigger by the day. She is almost the size of Hannah. She has grown over three inches in the last two months. She still has her adorable dimples and makes me happy when she smiles. She looks forward to Thursday of each week so she can go to show and tell at preschool. She is looking forward to going to the Zoo this summer.
HAYDEN is one! It if official. He is small but mighty. He power crawls all over the house. He is quick and hard to keep up with. He is a mischievous little guy who likes to test out how serious you are when you say 'No'. His weight is still an issue. He is in the 1% ranking in weight and in the 70% percentile in height. We are keeping a close eye on him and hope he beefs up enough to move out of his baby carrier and into the big boy car seat soon.
We are constantly in motion with three kids in the house. It is a good thing but life seems to go faster and faster every day. I hope the next post is more timely than this one. Until then enjoy the photos.