Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man. ~Benjamin Franklin
We had a wonderful Christmas this year. The children actually remembered the reason for the season and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. The Advent wreath caught on fire but we caught it in time to blow it out with a single breath. The kids enjoyed time together but are ready to go back to school.
It was fun to have Hayden old enough to sort of understand what was going on and to enjoy the toy more than the box it came in. This year was the year of cars for him. He got lots of cars which he loves and he got a trike that he calls his car.
Hannah got a Mario game for her DS and she is having so much fun with it. She got a new bedspread for her bed and it looks so nice in her room.
Elainea got some board games, a bedspread and a remote control dog. She was very disappointed when Santa did not bring her a DS game. She did not say anything but she wears her heart on her sleeve. I guess she will be really happy on her birthday later this month.
Joe got a rack for the Kayaks that fits the truck. Needless to say he is really happy.
I got an electronic organizer which I desperately need. Having all of the appointments on a calendar at home and not on me at all times has proven to have disastrous consequences. I have mixed up more than one appointment lately.
We went to the Sequence tournament for New Year's Eve and lost the trophy. Yahoo! We gladly surrender it to the new champions! We are looking forward to a new year together with family and friends. May this year find you with health and happiness.