Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011 (cont.)

Easter 2011

Time is like the wind, it lifts the light and leaves the heavy. ~Doménico Cieri Estrada

So much time has gone by since I have posted last. Hayden had his tonsils out, Hannah got braces and Elainea is now reading. Wow! It is amazing how so much can change in four months. We just celebrated Easter and we are all pretty exhausted. When school is in we are pretty much in a rut of work, dinner, homework and bed during the week, and try to get the house in order on the weekend. I wonder what next school year will bring when Elainea will be going full days and Hannah starts the fourth grade. I am worried about her progress this year. I was so hoping we could get her up to standards with her schoolwork. The girl can not focus for more than five minutes on any task.

I thought I would share some pictures of the kids on Easter. I do not even know if anyone still looks at this blog or not, but I will maintain just in case...