Today we finally received our referral for Elainea. She is so beautiful! We are all on cloud nine. What a day to remember. I will write more about the day later, right now I want to document everything we know about her. She was born on January 29, 2005. Her chinese name is Fu Lin Xiang. She was born in tthe Hainan Province and is currently living in the Haikou Social Welfare Institute.
We know that she is a deep sleeper, has fifteen teeth and very outgoing like her mama. She knows the word 'No' like her big sister, and has a mouth that reminds me of her Daddy. We will get a translation of her referral papers in the next few days and so we will post more information then. Most of all when you look at her picture she looks like an Elainea. I know without a shadow of a doubt that she was meant to be part of our family.
This is truly one of the happiest days in our lives. We love you Elainea and can not wait to bring you home.
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