There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm.
Willa Carter
Well what a wild ride we have had over the last few weeks! The girls are behaving as all normal siblings do. They argue over who has the bigger half or who goes first. It seems as though Elainea has been with our family for years, and not just months. She is starting to potty train herself. The only consolation Pam had when we found out that she was already two was that she was still in diapers. In her mind that made it acceptable because she would have a baby for a little while longer. Elainea will say bathroom after she has already soiled her diaper and then take off her diaper and run into the bathroom and climb onto the toilet! Pam will just have to relent and let her grow up.
We are still trying to put together the paperwork for the lawsuit. The latest development is that we are no longer going to small claims court because the whole house needs to be redone! Well over the $7500 small claims limit. The good news is that the builder advised us that they will file a claim with their insurance company. We have contacted a lawyer and he advised us that we are getting close to a time limit where the builder would no longer be liable. We are so fortunate that we discovered the problem when we did. In the meantime, we are living in a fishbowl as every window has scaffolding outside it and people are all over working on the house. It scares Elainea a little when the workers are by the windows.
This week was full of fun activities. We went on trips to the park, monastery and a family get together.
A picture is worth a thousand words so here is some more from the girls.
Willa Carter
Well what a wild ride we have had over the last few weeks! The girls are behaving as all normal siblings do. They argue over who has the bigger half or who goes first. It seems as though Elainea has been with our family for years, and not just months. She is starting to potty train herself. The only consolation Pam had when we found out that she was already two was that she was still in diapers. In her mind that made it acceptable because she would have a baby for a little while longer. Elainea will say bathroom after she has already soiled her diaper and then take off her diaper and run into the bathroom and climb onto the toilet! Pam will just have to relent and let her grow up.
We are still trying to put together the paperwork for the lawsuit. The latest development is that we are no longer going to small claims court because the whole house needs to be redone! Well over the $7500 small claims limit. The good news is that the builder advised us that they will file a claim with their insurance company. We have contacted a lawyer and he advised us that we are getting close to a time limit where the builder would no longer be liable. We are so fortunate that we discovered the problem when we did. In the meantime, we are living in a fishbowl as every window has scaffolding outside it and people are all over working on the house. It scares Elainea a little when the workers are by the windows.
This week was full of fun activities. We went on trips to the park, monastery and a family get together.
A picture is worth a thousand words so here is some more from the girls.