It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
Henry David Thoreau
Life never ceases to amaze us. It was such a wonderful Mother's Day this weekend. We have two beautiful daughters and our family feels complete. There is so much going on, but together we can do anything. The girls are so happy with each other and they love to play with each other. I look at them together and I think "this is perfection". We are amazed at the gifts we have received and we feel so blessed. Little Elainea has just fit into our family and we can not imagine life without her. She is getting very attached to her Dad. We went looking for used cars this last weekend and Joe went for a test drive and I stayed back with the girls. Elainea cried when her Dad left. I just held her close and told her she was a good girl.We are selling the truck to help out with the immediate need for funds to fix the stucco on our home. We found out that the builders insurance company does not cover his workmanship. This is very disappointing and our prospects of getting money from him are not promising. We have discussed other options than stripping the entire house and reinstalling the stucco. We will have to see how they pan out.We have learned exactly what a small world we live in. We went to look at a minivan last night and the sellers recognized us but could not figure out where he knew us from. Come to find out he recognized us from the Cummings blog. The Cumming's were one of the wonderful families we met in China. Apparently they are very good friends with them. What a cooincidene! We are going to purchase the van next month after we sell the truck.Elainea got her root canal and cap on her tooth. Her smile looks awesome. The dentist still thinks that she will lose the tooth before her permanent tooth comes in, but the proceedure will probably extend the life of the tooth for several years. She is progressing nicely with the potty training. I am really not pursuing it as hard as I should, but it will happen in its own time.We look forward to spending a fun summer together. Here are some great photos of the girls.
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