A child is a precious gift from God
And baptism is God's gift wrapping
“There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
Hayden was baptized this last Sunday. We are so fortunate to have so many friends and family join us in celebrating his new birth. The baptism was held at our new church. He was the first baptism since the church was dedicated on the 8th of June. Hayden was the only one being baptized and so the atmosphere was very intimate with all that attended. We are honored to have Joe’s sister Eileen as Hayden’s godmother. She held him during the baptism on the blanket that my Dad bought for Hannah’s baptism. It is a frilly blanket, but we wanted to use it so he was represented.
A baptism is a wonderful event. Renewing your own baptism vows is powerful. I felt the overwhelming love that God has for all his children and I feel there is a strong purpose for Hayden.
Our little Elainea was full of energy (as usual). She has a hard time sitting down for Mass that lasts for one hour. To expect her to sit for an additional half hour after is too much. She started running around the periphery of the church and fell and got a huge rug burn on her head. She knew that she was not supposed to be running and so she stood up and put on the bravest face she could, but you could tell that she wanted to break out in tears. I love my brave girl.
Hannah continues to grow up and her wisdom amazes me. She has a way of understanding things that most six-year-olds do not. She was so excited for Hayden to have his big day. Instead of being jealous, she was very gracious and simply stated, “this is a day that will only happen once for Hayden and so we need to make it special”.
After the baptism friends and family joined us for a reception at our house. It was such a good time for all. It was an honor to have my Uncle Ken and Aunt Lorraine there to represent my Dad’s family. Eileen took the day off work to be there for her God-son. Pam’s sister LeAnn (and family) drove up from Sandy. It is times like this that you really find out how much family and friends mean to you. They remind you that life is full of these moments that you should never take for granted. You should never just go through the motions, make every moment and encounter mean something. Everyone should notice who and what blessings they have in their life, and if the relationships are not life-giving or you are not able to see the blessings that God has given you, then change something. My life is so full. I can not imagine changing anything. I hope this feeling of rejuvenation that I received today from renewing my baptism promises lasts throughout my lifetime. Moreover, I hope to give my children the example so they can feel it as well.