Thursday, June 5, 2008

Where Does the Time Go?

Elainea loves her brother "Too Much"

Impromptu performance before the graduation ceremony.

Hannah during the performance with friends Kylie and McKenna.

The tassel's worth the hassle!
Hannah and her teacher Miss Shelley.

Hannah and her little brother.

The future lies before you Like a field of driven snow,
Be careful how you tread it, For every step will show.~Author Unknown

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go.~Dr. Seuss

It is really pathetic when you look at how much faster time goes by as you get older. Wow Hayden is two months old and Hannah graduated from Kindergarten. Do not get me wrong. Life is so wonderful, but it is just going by too fast.
I remember when I was a young girl how Christmas would take forever to come again. Now it is the exact opposite, before you know it you are knee deep in snow and holiday commitments and you look around and the only testament for the year going by is the children are visibly larger and mature.
Hannah had a little Kindergarten graduation program on Wednesday, May 31, 2008. The program was very well put together and Hannah was so excited to get the chance to perform for everyone. We went to celebrate by going out to dinner after her program. She was so happy and excited until after the last day of school on the 30th. She came home very sad as she realized that things would change, she would never spend her days with Miss Shelley. She was very distraught at the thought of it. She felt much better after I told her that she has Miss Shelley’s contact information so it is not a permanent good-bye.
Hayden is two-months old and growing like a weed. He is over 11 pounds. We tease him that if he were a turkey he would be sweating it out right now. He started experiencing some feeding problems at about six weeks. I could not sustain my milk supply so he is exclusively on formula now. He started showing signs of a milk allergy with a horrible rash all over his face, chest, back and arms. I remembered what it looked like when Hannah went through the same allergy so we immediately put him on a soy-based formula, and that is when the colic symptoms started. For two days he would cry for hours on end with no consolation. On the third day when he refused to eat is when I realized it was a reaction to the soy formula that was causing the distress. Long story short we now have to feed him the most expensive formula available. It is a good thing he is so cute!
Elainea is doing really well. Her speech improves with each passing day. She loves being like her big sister Hannah. She loves dressing fancy, watching Barbie movies and figuring out how things work. We have to be cautious about what we leave placed around the house, because if she gets to it she will immediately try taking it apart. She is still very affectionate and tells me “I love Hayden too much!” She loves being a big sister and is flourishing.
The FBI called me the other day and need to set an appointment to serve me a summons to appear as a witness. This goes back to October of 2006 when Hannah and I were in a bank when a man fired a gun and proceeded to rob the bank at gun-point. I really did not get a good look at him and would not make a very good witness. My biggest concern was keeping Hannah safe. The entire time we were looking into each other’s eyes. So much time has passed since the event that I really take offense to reliving it again now. It is kicking up dust that settled long ago. Court was supposed to begin the second week of June, but has been postponed until September. Go figure!
Joe is doing really well at work. He comes home and works really hard trying to get the swing set installed. After he comes in from that he is busy helping me bathe and put the kids to bed. What an awesome husband I have!I returned back to work and to no surprise my job waited for me. Now instead of being two-weeks behind I am five weeks behind. It is all good. I would rather have too much to do than not enough. That is all the time I have to write for now. We love you all and take care!

1 comment:

viennabaxters said...

Hayden is so beautiful. I've never seen such an alert and attentive newborn and now he is so big. I can't believe how much Elainea has grown - Rosie is still wearing a 2T!! (She just turned 3 in May) Hannah looks like such a young lady now too. That sweet babyish look is gone. I guess that comes with the responsibility of being a big sister to two! You and Joe are our heroes, we are just so impressed with all you take on and handle and you remain such a good example too. We hope we can meet up with you this summer.
Love, the Baxters