Our poor little baby Hannah. We took her into the doctor for a persistent cough and it ended up that she has pneumonia. She has been on antibiotics for three days and does not understand why we still can not go out and socialize with everyone. So instead we have stayed inside and played video games and watched some movies. I rented a princess movie that aired on the ABC Family channel and boy was I disappointed. If that is what they call a family movie I am certainly glad that we do not have cable TV. Needless to say Hannah is sleeping in Elainea's room because she is too scared to sleep on her own tonight.
Hayden is almost walking. At last! I never thought I would be excited to see his milestones as he is our last baby, but there comes a time when even the most selfish of Mom's want it to happen. He is totally capable, he just does not see the need for walking. He already can power crawl faster than you think humanly possible. You need to sprint to keep up with him.
Elainea is still in her whiny stage. Let me tell you this one can not end soon enough! She is enough to drive you nuts. We love her so much but when she starts to whine we have to send her out of the room because it can not simply be ignored. I know that is one of the most powerful weapons we have as parents, but no amount of training can prepare you for the overwhelming manner in which she wines. She has it down to an art.
We got the truck back from the service shop and it looks great. What a relief that at least that part of our lives will be getting back to normal.
I will write more later....
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